Thursday, April 25, 2013

Dragon Ball Z ep 195 - A Deep Impression!! There They Are! The Next World's Awesome Dudes

Grand Kaio-sama is the strongest man in the Next World. After losing his life in the battle against Cell, Son Goku has come to live among those martial artists granted to keep their body in the afterlife, so they can continue to train. The Grand Kaio is an expert martial artist who relishes in the sport of hand-to-hand combat. He rules over the four Kaios - North, South, East, and West - and on his planet the martial arts masters of the universe come to train for eternity.

Naturally, Goku wants to fight them.
"Those dudes are really that strong?"
"I won't have you calling them "dudes"!"
(Too late, that's the episode title.)

So then Goku races off down Serpentine Road to make his way to Grand Kaio's planet. Then he races back to Kaio-sama, because he doesn't know how to get to Grand Kaio's planet. Kaio explains that he'll need to take an airplane from where Yama-sama lives, and once again Goku takes off for his destination. But then he comes back when he realizes it'll be faster if he just uses Instantaneous Movement.

(All the technology in the universe, and they use this thing.)

Goku is utterly stunned by the immense size of Heaven, but a little let down by Grand Kaio's world. But it is, after all, bigger than Kaio-sama's world.

But on Grand Kaio's world, there is assembled a vast number of the universe's greatest martial artists.

Like these guys that got blown up by Broly.
And then this guy, who was killed by Bardock.

Truly, the best of the best.

Kaio meets with old students who have been training for 2,300 years.
Goku is shocked by the number, but I'm more shocked that someone else made it across Serpentine Road.

Enter: Grand Kaio's house.

Outside of the Grand Kaio's house, Kaio-sama runs into his old rival - Kaio of the West. After exchanging angry glares, Kaio of the West notices Kaio of the North is dead and proceeds to lose his mind with laughter. But it comes to pass that West Kaio is actually here to see his most promising student, and strongest warrior of the Western Galaxy:


Just as North and West Kaio begin to argue over who would win in a fight - Paikuhan or Goku - a familiar voice rings out across the courtyard.

The Grand Kaio-sama.

And he has a mission for Paikuhan:

It seems after Cell was sent to Hell...
He immediately began to stir up trouble, 
... with the help of Freeza!

Paikuhan takes the assignment to put them down from Grand Kaio, and makes to leave, but Goku refuses to let him go alone. Paikuhan doesn't see the reason for this, but Goku is certain if he knew what Freeza and Cell were like, he wouldn't object.

First Goku meets with Gozu and Mezu from his last time in Hell.

It's only moments before Goku faces off against his hated foes, 
... Cell... 
... and Freeza.

Freeza calls for the Ginyu Tokusentai to go after Goku... 
... but Goku repels them with ease!

Eager for a fight, Cell launches after Goku to continue their match from the Cell Games.

But Paikuhan intervenes! 
And without much effort, he takes Cell out of commission. 
(What a badass.)
It's only a small thing to then take out Freeza and King Cold

Back behind bars in Hell, they won't cause trouble any time soon.

And Goku is super excited that guys as strong as Paikuhan exist! Looks like the Next World is going to be a pretty good place!!!

1 comment:

  1. First: this episode is all the reasons why this animation director bugs the living daylights out of me. (my god what are straight lines, friend.)

    Second: lol eat it Cell. It's so good to see him getting his butt kicked another time. What makes this episode hilarious is that Freeza comes back two more times, and Cell another. Come on dudes, stay dead for once, omg.

    Third: awesome catch about the background characters! It never occured to me for a second, but at least Toei's being ergonomic?
