Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 137 - Piccolo's Resolution!! The Last Measure of His Reserve

 "What? You mean they even knew the word "senzu"?!"
"What does that mean? If they knew so much, why didn't they kill us?"
(It means they don't want to kill you.)
"Are they saying they don't need to kill us? That we're no match for them?!" 
(What? No.)
"Of course they are."
(Oh my god you guys are retarded.)

Kuririn hands out Senzu Beans to Tenshinhan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Trunks. Vegeta almost immediately storms off in a huff, and Trunks makes to follow him until Piccolo calls him down. Piccolo explains how Vegeta is just a big baby who got beaten by a girl and now he feels bad, and for some reason this comforts Trunks I guess. Kuririn laments Goku's illness, but Tenshinhan reckons the fight would have gone exactly the same whether or not Goku was there. Kuririn asks Piccolo what his plan is, but Piccolo seems reluctant to answer. Kuririn innocently says there's no reason to worry, they're all friends here, Piccolo loses his shit.

"When did I ever become friends with any of you?!"
"I'm a Demon Clansmen! Don't you ever forget I'm just using you to help me take over the world!!!"

And with that outburst, Piccolo flies north.

Tenshinhan is surprised to find the Piccolo Daimao he and Goku fought against all those years ago still lingers in Piccolo's heart. But Kuririn, on the other hand, doesn't buy it. Kuririn points out that Piccolo is flying toward Kami's place, in the Heavenly Realm. He and Kami both know what Piccolo is after... and how much Piccolo hates to do it.

"So, Piccolo, have you finally made your decision?"

"Long ago, myself and Piccolo Daimao were one and the same. We were a single, gifted martial artist."
"The time came when I learned of Kami's existence, and I came here. Unfortunately, even a Kami dies. I wanted to be Kami's newest successor."
"However, no matter how much time passed, Kami would not approve my request."
"'There is an evil that dwells within the deepest reaches of your heart. As long as any amount of evil dwells there, you cannot become Kami.'"
 "This was because in the depths of my heart, there lurked the slightest amount of evil."
"Kami was able to see through to it."
"But after rigorous training, I was able to drive that evil out."
"That became Piccolo Daimao."
"I became Kami's successor..."
"But Piccolo Daimao fled to the ground, and seeking to rule the world, became the cause of suffering to many."
"But as he did, one young man came and appeared before him."
"It was Son Goku."
"And so, what was reborn is the Piccolo we know now."

"It appears that the time for that which was divided to be brought back together has come."

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