Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dragon Ball Z ep 135 - Good Looks and Super Power! No Blind Spot on #18

Vegeta and #18 stare each other down as they prepare for their battle. Vegeta warns her that he won't pull his punches even though she's a woman. And 18 promises not to pull her punches even though he's a patronizing dick.

Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you. 
 No you can't!
Yes I can! 
No you can't! 
Yes I can! 
No you can't! 
Yes I can! 
No you can't! 
Yes I can! 

Meanwhile, #16 enjoys a birdie.

At this point, Vegeta and 18 take their fight to a freeway where Vegeta causes no fewer than 5 deaths. 18 has caused zero, as all she has done is dodge Vegeta's attacks. I'm not really sure who I'm supposed to be rooting for, but I'm thinking it isn't the angry balding midget.

You go girl.

18 can tell that Vegeta isn't going all out yet, and admits she isn't taking it quite as seriously as she might. Vegeta says something about the earth not being able to handle his full power because he has small genitals, but the two agree to use their full power from here on out.

It's an agreement Vegeta immediately regrets.

(Bitch slap!)

Just then, the rest of the cavalry arrives in the form of Trunks, Tenshinhan, Kuririn, and Piccolo.

#17, being a lover of fair play, insists they keep out of Vegeta and 18's one-on-one match, lest he be forced to enter the fray to keep things even. #16 refuses to enter regardless, confirming again that he'll only fight Goku. Vegeta crawls out of the Vegeta-shaped hole 18 made in the side of the hill, shouting that the others are cowardly pacifists and won't bother their fight. For a guy who just got slapped 5 foot deep into sedimentary rock, you sure have quite a mouth, Vegeta.

"You surprise me." 18 says, smirking at Vegeta. "Even being an alien, I didn't think any man could push me this far. Is the man Son Goku even stronger?"

"Don't be absurd. He may have pulled ahead for awhile, but now, as it should be, I am stronger than he is." Vegeta spits back.

"You don't say. Then neither one of you are that great."

Vegeta is beaten, utterly.

Trunks is thrown into a blind rage and bursts forward to fight #18. (Trunks, screaming and blubbering while making bad decisions? Naaaah, couldn't be.)


  1. As much as I enjoy watching 18 beating the solid crap out of Vegeta, that arm-break still makes me cringe.

  2. I felt bad for Vegeta here the first time around, despite him acting like a colossal prick. THEN when I saw what he did with Cell, I wanted 18 to come to his house every single day and repeatedly break his arm for the rest of his natural life.
