Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dragon Ball Kai ep 4 - Run in the Next World, Son Goku! The Million-Kilo-Long Serpentine Road

Episode sources

In order to fight the incoming Saiyans, Son Goku must cross Serpentine Road and train with the legendary Kaio-sama.
But if he falls off the million-kilo-long stretch of road, he'll end up in Hell, and never be able to leave.
(Unless it's DBZ, then he'll just have to start over.)
 Back on Earth, Bulma takes Raditz's scouter in hopes of tracking down Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamcha to help in the coming fight against the Saiyans.
She and Muten Roshi leave it to Kuririn to tell Chichi and Gyumao about Goku's death, and how...
 ... Piccolo kidnaps Gohan. Seeing Gohan's strength, Piccolo kidnaps him to train him to fight the Saiyans.
 They bond immediately.

What's cut?

Mostly just a scene where Chichi imagines all the horrible things that could be killing her baby at this very moment. Y'know, mom stuff.

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