Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dragon Ball Kai ep 15 - Goku On The Ropes! Pin Your Hopes On The Genki Dama

Episode sources

With Vegeta's power multiplied ten-fold with his Oozaru transformation, Goku's only hope...
... is theft.
Using a Taiyoken to blind Vegeta, Goku summons genki from all over Earth, to create the Genki Dama.
It doesn't work out.
Shattering Goku's legs, Vegeta takes aim at his heart...
... so Goku shoots him in the eye.
Kuririn and Gohan arrive back on the scene, where Kuri tells Gohan and Yajirobe to help remove Vegeta's tail, to revert him to normal.
And Yajirobe successfully cuts it off, before ducking away into irrelevance and obscurity.
Now that Vegeta's normal again, our heroes can totally beat him! Right?
... Right?
It's up to Son Gohan to take on Vegeta 1 on 1...
... while Goku gives Kuririn the genki he gathered, literally putting the fate of the world in Kuri's hand.

What's cut?
In episode 33, Yajirobe actually drives away before heading back to slice off Vegeta's tail.
Also in 33, Chichi changes her tune from worrying about Gohan, to cheering him on in his fight against Vegeta.
No subplot is cut from 32, but this wonderful line got the axe. RIP.

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