Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dragon Ball Kai ep 16 - Defeat the Invincible Vegeta! Work a Miracle, Son Gohan

Episode sources

With the Genki Dama in hand, Kaio-sama telepathically contacts Kuririn to instruct him in how to properly throw it at his enemy - the Saiyan Vegeta.
Meanwhile, Gohan keeps Vegeta distracted.
Uh, good work, kiddo.
Kuririn is locked on
Yajirobe ruins everything by shouting for Kuririn to shoot
It alerts Vegeta to the oncoming blast
and just barely, he manages to dodge it.
But at Goku's urging, Gohan bounces the Genki Dama back...
Right at Vegeta.
Vegeta is blasted high into the air...
... and minutes later, comes crashing right back down.

The following real dialogue is presented without commentary:

Furious, Vegeta retaliates with all the ki he has left.
Which, uh... ain't a lot.
(Hush little Saiyan, don't you cry. Momma's gonna make a whole planet die, die, die.)
That's when Vegeta notices Gohan's fucking tail, and means to rip it off.
'Cept Yajirobe leaps out of irrelevance for one last attack.
Gohan sees the artificial moon.
Goes bananas.
And crushes Vegeta.
"... alright... alright... I guess I'll leave."

What's cut?
In episode 34, Chichi chokes Uranai Baba.
 And then Karin shows up.
 In episode 35, Chichi chokes Karin.
Also, some hazmat workers examine Vegeta and Nappa's pods.

1 comment:

  1. How can you not love Chichi, she's got the balls to strangle a low-level deity when he shows up at her door.
