Monday, May 4, 2015

Dragon Ball Z ep 258 - I'm Going Like I Mean It!! A Wide-Open Super Gotenks

 At long last, the fateful battle promised by Son Goku has arrived! Gotenks vs Super Boo.

Gotenks uses an assortment of incredible skills and techniques he's mastered over the course of his week long training session in the Room of Spirit and Time. Dynamite Kick, Dynamite Kick Boomerang, Rolling Thunder Punch, Inoshishi (Wild Boar) Attack, Power Tackle, Miracle Super Punch, Great Kick Special, Dangerous Machine Gun Punch, Spiral Shooting Sobat, Magnum Sundae, Ultra Missile Parfait, Hyper Plasma Shortcake, Senju Kannon Punch, and the Daikaiten (Great Spinning) Kick.

All of which have no effect on Super Boo.

(Except the animators suddenly remembering to color Boo's eyes in.)

Gotenks has so many new techniques that he has to keep a cheat sheet in his Fusion Jacket to remember them all. (Pretty cool that it comes with inner pockets.)

"Burning Almond Tofu?"

"If I close my eyes, it isn't really happening."

Gotenks sees Piccolo is distraught, so he calls a Timeout to Boo and makes his way over to Papa Pickles to reassure him that losing early on is all part of his strategy. Piccolo calls him a dumbfuck for not going all out from the start, and Gotenks says he has no respect for the fighting aesthetic.


As flashy as ever,  Gotenks evens the score by calling out a familiar technique. But he does so with an even more dramatic Henshin sequence than the first time Goku went Super Saiyan.

Super Gotenks has arrived!

And he has a new finishing technique to try!
Galactica Donuts!!!
Gotenks locks Boo in tight, preparing to finish the battle.
"Just kidding."
Daily dose.

Thoroughly annoyed now at the thrashing he's still receiving in his Super Saiyan form, Gotenks finally gets serious in a counterattack against Super Boo. Boo counter-counterattacks, so Gotenks counter-counter-counterattacks with a headbutt.

But nobody wins in a headbutt.

However, Gotenks announces he has one more technique that is sure to finish off Boo once and for all. "I went through a lot of trouble training for this technique!! Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack!"
"Hi~! I'm a ghost."

PS I didn't make up any of the attack names, and I don't think I missed any from the episode either. Transcribed in full because I love you.

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