Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 140 - Exciting! Boo-Boo Volleyball!!

Episode sources

The battle between Super Boo and Super Gotenks continues, two monstrous powers undaunted by their incredible exchange of blows. But such a battle cannot exist without casualty...
Like Kami's Temple,
the Earth itself
and Piccolo's drawers.
Goku, Kaioshin, and Kibito watch on with bated breath, hoping for Gotenks to win victory.
... While Gohan pouts that he won't make it in time for the fun.
(What even is your characterization, Gohan?)
Back on Earth, Gotenks traps Boo in a ball, and he and Piccolo play some Boo-Boo Volleyball.
Piccolo reflects on how far he's fallen as a character in this show.


But far from just damaging Piccolo's pride, the Boo-Boo Volleyball has, for the first time in his existence, made Majin Boo doubt himself.
Which goes right to Gotenks' ego.
As the battle resumes, Gotenks quickly puts Boo on the ropes,
ready to launch a final, Boo-ending special attack.
Then he reverts back to normal Gotenks, losing the vast majority of his power.

What's cut?
While this scene of Boo's Earth rattling tantrum isn't cut, much of it is taken from its shorter recapped version at the start of DBZ 262, leaving it's more drawn out (and more interestingly framed) version from DBZ 261 on the cutting room floor.

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