Saturday, November 12, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 130 - Found You, Gohan! Harsh Training in the Kaioshin Realm

Episode sources

Meanwhile, at the Kaioshin Realm, Kibito and Kaioshin watch as Gohan masters the Z-Sword.
... only to nearly take Goku's head off as he teleports to them.
"Geez, Gohan, be more careful..."
"... Unless you wanna get me killed..."
"... again."

At Kami's Temple, Goten and Trunks are relaxing from their Fusion training by having an after meal nap; It's a deep, dreaming sleep.
'Aww yeah, 50 year old women...'
'Aww yeah, 15 year old girls...'
"This is why it's easier to not have genitals."

After the kiddos wake up, Piccolo and Kuririn demonstrate the Fusion Dance again.
"Is this gag even still funny?"

Back on Earth, Majin Boo continues to cause havoc wherever he goes.
Until he runs into a little blind boy...
... who isn't afraid of him.
So he heals his eyes.
... but doesn't get quite the reaction he was looking for.

Instead, he makes a new pal,
and gives him milk
(made from people.)
Still, Boo learns that being nice is sometimes more fun than being mean!
He follows up this lesson by murdering untold thousands.

At the Kaioshin Realm, Goku is helping Gohan train with the Z-Sword.
He chucks stones at Gohan, and Gohan slices them in half with ease.
So Kaioshin gives Goku the strongest metal in the universe to use.
And it promptly breaks the Z-Sword.
Nice goin', Kaioshin.

But the legend of the Z-Sword is far from over...

What's cut?


  1. fynally you back!!!
    but why elder kai never did tell Goku the fusion leasted just one hour? If he was a wise of the series
    Myth denied
    now goten and trunks can use the potara whenever they want and they never use the fusion tecnique anymore, goodbye Gogeta and Gotenks
    also sword-dama and hatchan still alive
    vegetto vs majin boo last long four episodes

    1. The corpse of Potara Fusion's narrative stakes are still warm, and people are already defending its murder on my lil ole blog.
