Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 135 - Boo Swallowed Boo -- The New Majin Attacks!!

Majin Boo's essence has split into two beings -- one of pure good...
... the other of pure evil.
"Deja freakin' vu."

It's the ultimate showdown of Good vs Evil -- literally.
So of course Evil Boo wins without much effort.
(Thanks, Lord Helmet.)

Good Boo tries a last ditch effort to turn Evil Boo into chocolate...
... but Evil Boo easily repels the attack...
... causing it to backfire on our hero.

Then Boo proceeds to eat Boo.

Meanwhile, at the Kaioshin Realm.

Back on Earth, Evil Boo has absorbed Good Boo, but instead of just looking like himself but with Good Boo's power, like Majin Boo had before when it was Good Boo with Evil Boo's power, now he's changed into something completely different.

Anyway, the still living dickhead tries to shoot Majin Boo dead.
It leads to one of the most gruesome deaths ever.
Just not the death he intended.
Despite this new Majin Boo's unrepentant, killer attitude,
he still can't bring himself to strike Mr. Satan.

So he flies off to find other people to kill.

What's cut?
In DBZ 255, a couple scenes where Goten and Trunks eat before taking their nap are cut.
And while not a cut, Kai color-corrects Super Boo's eyes to his canon red color. 
(It takes DBZ a few episodes before they begin to be colored correctly.)


  1. I am glad to see you here again.
    Will you do the same with Dragon Ball Super?

    See ya!

    1. My plan is to eventually do Super, in the same style I did Dragon Ball GT. I dunno if I'll do it right after finishing Boo Kai or not, though. I may take another break, or do something else in between. (Dr. Slump is a series I want to cover, as well as Toyble's Dragon Ball AF.)

    2. Dr. Slump and DBAF?

      That sounds interesting! I'll pay attention to your updates!

      Greetings from Spain!
