Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dragon Ball Kai ep 51 - Goku's Furious Roar! Be In Time... A Wish of Resurrection!

Episode sources

It's Kamehameha vs Nova Strike as Son Goku and Freeza engage in an incredible beam struggle!!
That is, until Freeza does something completely unexpected...!!!
... He breaks off from the struggle...
... then smacks Goku from the side.
"How come nobody even considered this possibility before now?!"
Feeling his father's ki dwindle, Gohan takes it upon himself to take on Freeza until the planet dies.
"Ahahaha... ahaha... haaahhh.. What are YOU going to do to ME?"
"That works."
Meanwhile, Shen Long brings everyone back to life on Namek that was killed by Freeza and his men.
"Sup, fuckers?"
Goku shows back up, having finished his lava nap, and pays back Freezy with a knee to the face.
As Kaio-sama contacts Saichoro with the plan to use Porunga to wish everyone off Planet Namek and to Earth, except Freeza,
Goku interrupts saying he wants to stay, too.
'Cus Goku just don't give a fuck, baby.
Then Dende's there, making the wish.
And then Vegeta's there, checking out Goku's abs.
And then, everyone is gone, except Goku and Freeza.
"... why the fuck won't anyone on this planet stay dead?!"

What's cut?
For episode 100, we lose a scene where Chichi is fretting over Goku and Gohan's chances of survival.
In which Yajirobe, in his legendary tact, says it doesn't matter if they win, if the planet explodes.
This is why you aren't invited to things, Yajirobe.
In episode 101, Vegeta is so happy to find himself alive
that he punches himself in the kidney
then collapses into a cackling fit.
Vegeta, you crazy.

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