Saturday, June 20, 2015

Dragon Ball GT ep 32 - Give Me Back Goku!! Oob, the Warrior of Fury

From the brink of death, Pan is rescued by Son Goku's pupil, Oob!!


And Oob is not happy that his best friend and teacher was killed.
"You're going to pay for this!!!"

Baby and Oob battle, and Oob quickly gains an upperhand on his opponent by striking him as he gathers ki. Months ago, when Baby began his campaign to Tsufruize Earth, Oob took his family deep into the mountains to hide out as Oob continued to train. Now he's returned, and revenge is all that's on his mind.

Goten, Gohan, and Trunks come to their master's aid, so Baby thanks them...
... by blasting them.
(Trunks can't catch a break no matter which side he's on.)

Meanwhile, in the Kaioshin Realm...

Son Goku is eager to rejoin the fight against Baby. ODB admits the training is taking longer than he'd hoped, but he can think of no better way to bring out Goku's latent Saiyan powers than by regrowing his tail.

But it has regrown some!

Enough that with the help of a really big pair of pliers, he figures he could speed up the training significantly... But it's going to hurt like hell. Goku says he'll go through any pain to speed things up, so, ODB asks for some pliers.

Sugoro's boy shape-shifts into some, and his pop hands them to the old Kaioshin.
And training... um... resumes?

Back on Earth, Baby launches his retaliation against Oob!

Oob fights back with his own Kamehameha...!!
However, Baby proves to be too strong.

Furious to see Oob beaten down, Pan flies at Baby with her own barrage of attacks~!

It doesn't work out.

Mr. Satan begs Boo to save Pan, as she's all he has left in the world without his Videl.
"Whatever is dear to Satan is dear to Boo, too."
Boo catches Pan before she falls, then scoops up Satan as well.
He flies them far, far away from the fighting.
All the while, Baby begins to form a Revenge Death Ball to kill Oob.

Boo sets Satan and Pan down, then turns to his friend with a smile.
"What's the matter, Boo-san?"
"Satan, I love you."
"Satan, you're my friend."
"Y-yeah, I'm your friend. What are you talking about, Boo-san?"
"I like you, Satan, but for some reason, I can't abandon Oob."
"We'll always, always be friends. I'll never forget you, Satan."
"... Boo!!"

Boo takes the Revenge Death Ball into himself, causing the explosion to rip him apart from the inside, leaving Oob all-but unharmed.

"Oob. Oob."
"Who is it? Who is calling out to me?"
"Mister Boo."
"You... It almost seems as if I know you... There's something very familiar about you..."
"Boo and Oob were once the same body. Majin's Boo's ki was gathered, and another Boo was born. That Boo died, and was reincarnated as Oob."
"... you and I are... one?"
"Mhm! Boo and Oob will become one again."
"The power of Boo, and the power of Oob..."
(I'm not crying, you're crying, shut up.)

Once divided by a good heart and a wicked heart...
... the two sides of Majin Boo reunite once more...
... as a warrior of pure heart!! Oob!

"What the fucking fuck. You mean I have to kill you again?"
Good luck, Baby.


  1. I can't wait to see this amazing fight
    Beerus can not defeat them
    Whis maybe

  2. Huh. So SSJ4 wasn't the first time a transformation gave a free wardrobe change.

    1. To be fair, this is more of a Fusion, which always gave wardrobe changes (except for Piccolo/Nail/Kami but w/e). Back in the day, fans even gave this version of the character a Fusion "name", Oboo (or Ubuu for the other spelling). Funimation also gave him a Fusion name, Majuub, which is supposed to be a combo of Majin Boo and Oob. (Wouldn't Majin Oob make more sense? w/e)

    2. Oh, so Majuub is just a dub thing? Huh. Didn't realise that. I've never cared enough about GT to work out what the dub changed.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Whatever is dear to Satan is dear to Boo, too."

  5. Aw, I was expecting the pedophile counter to go up (or at least threaten to) when ODB pulled Goku's pants.
    Will the old Aaaw fuck running gag be back now we're getting some oozarus on the next episodes?

    1. It will now that you've reminded me of it! :D

  6. I have to say I have a blast of fun and nostalgia with your blog. Plus you ooint a lot of details I never notice
