Friday, May 25, 2012

Dragon Blog's 1 Year Anniversary!! Biba Sen'nin Arrives Bearing Self-Indulgence

May is a historically big month for the Dragon Blog. We've had Piccolo Day this month. Son Goku has turned SSJ for the first time. We've reached Dragon Ball Z episode 100. The epically long Freeza Saga will close out this month. And of course, 1 year ago, today, I started this blog with a simple dream; Watch Dragon Ball and make you have to read about it.

Well, if you're here now, then it's mission successful.

And now, for a compilation of my favorite posts, made by me, about my own posts. Me. Me me me. Me.

The Best of Dragon Blog!

(If you read all of those, I'll owe you a pizza party.)

And finally, our dear sweet friend AMF gave me this as a gift;

You can follow her on tumblr at her personal blog or her Yamcha blog (I know, I'm surprised too), or follow her art at her deviantArt.

The positive response to this blog has been really overwhelming. I can't express into words how much doing this has helped me. And although it may seem silly to anyone reading this, I didn't expect any of you to show up for this. Any of you. That you have means you have a spot in my heart for all of eternity. Even if you're a dub fan.

With lots of hugs and kisses, yours
Biba Sen'nin

UPDATE: Our friend Derek Padula of The Dao of Dragon Ball book AND blog has interviewed me for his "fan focus" segment. Between you and me, we talked for an hour and a lot was cut out, because I can talk about this shit for days. That said, he took my ramblings and turned it into a great story about how Dragon Ball, and Dragon Blog, has shaped my life - for the better! Check it out!


  1. D'AAWWWWW you posted it <3 <3

  2. Thanks for the interview Joshua, and for sharing your story. I'm proud of that article and it wouldn't have been possible without your candid and open heart.

    Here's to another year!

  3. As Derek's Dad, I'm also proud of the fact that you were able to use your love of this series to bring yourself back from the darkness of a depressed mind and soul. You and your loved ones can be proud of your success and the effort that you've made to survive and heal. You hang in there. You do have friends. You do have fellow companions on this journey.

  4. I'm kinda late, but I just wanted to say congratulations Biba Sen'nin!

    Also Amf's picture is awesome!

  5. Happy one year to you! <3 I'm so happy that we happened to meet on tumblr so I could eventually find my way here, because I love the Dragon Blog. Best of luck with the rest of the project!

  6. I love seeing how stories can change people's lives. That's what they're for, in my opinion. To meaningfully entertain. It's great that you could share your story with us. I find your blog to be meaningfully entertaining itself. All the best, and here's to another year!

    1. Thanks a lot! I really appreciate you saying so, as I do put an effort into keeping the blog as entertaining as it can be.
