Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bonus Content! Space Orphans, Fake Nameks, and Evil Scientists, oh my!

When I started Dragon Blog, I didn't take near as many screencaps as I do now. I regret that now, I think, as the caps have become one of the most fun (if time consuming) parts of updating this blog. Given that, I plan on releasing this sections of "Bonus" caps more often, so that they don't end up ridiculously huge posts as the last few have. 

So here's a modest few extra screencaps taken since the "Freeza Saga" began.

 Muten Roshi and Kuririn exchange farewells before the latter departs for Namek.
From Dragon Ball Z episode 38.

 Kuririn busting them out of a trap with a Kamehameha.
From Dragon Ball Z episode 39.

 Muten Roshi, BAMF.
 Piccolo hold a fallen Son Gohan.

From Dragon Ball Z episode 40.

"You took HOW MANY caps of me in my underwear?"
Kuririn Glomp! (animated gif)
From Dragon Ball Z episode 41

 Goku's fuck face.
 Kuririn and Bulma.
From Dragon Ball Z episode 42.

 Goku vs Vegeta flash back.
From Dragon Ball Z episode 43.

Night at the Fake Namek. (animated gif)
 Happy Bulma.
 Gohan and Kuririn cheering!
I see you!
Celebratory Kuririn and Bulma! (animated gif)
 Vegeta and his Scouter.
From Dragon Ball Z episode 44

And finally, my new OTP.
Watching these episodes may have strange effects on your ability to reason (and photoshop).

1 comment:

  1. You know, I vaguely remember thinking that Krillin and Bulma should hook up when I was young and only had the context of the Saban 53. Klassen and Lindbjerg totally had chemistry goin' on.
