Tuesday, February 14, 2012

50 episodes in 50 pictures! DBZ 1 - 50

Little son
 Space bro
 Team up
 Brotherly love
 Goku dies
 Demon's pupil
 Serpentine Road
 Full moon Saiyan
 Gohan's friend
 Bug planet
 Get her away from me
 Home For Infinite Losers.
Princess Snake wants Goku's snake. 
 I can't.
 Becoming a man.
 B-Team's b story.
 Capturing Bubbles
 Smacking Gregory
 But you're not the enemy.
 Saiyans arrive
 The first loss.
 The second loss.
 The third loss.
 Three hour wait.
 Daimao's sacrifice.
 Son Goku's fury.
 Kaio-ken x2
 Kaio-ken x3
 Man vs Beast
 Tail removal
 Genki Dama
 The star of hope
 Kami-sama's space ship
 Blasting off
 Boobies and booby traps
 New friends
 Fake Nameks
 Fake Dragon Balls
 Escape to the real Namek
 We aren't alone
 Goku blasts off
 Space gangsters
 Furious Gohan
 The death of Dodoria
Goku... in... SPAAAAAACE.

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