Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dragon Ball ep 97 - The Final Match!! Who Will the World's Strongest Fighter Be?!

 Yamcha sneaks out of the hospital to watch the final match.
 Bulma and Lunch bring Goku freshly laundered dogi.
 Oolong saves the gang a good spot to watch the fight.
 Tenshinhan can't get Kame Sen'nin's words out of his head...
 Tsuru Sen'nin is ready to see his younger brother Tao avenged.
All the players are in place.
"Watch very closely. You may never see a match like this again."

 Son Goku




The fighters' begin with a speedy exchange of blows, launching Tenshinhan up into the sky! Goku, wishing to press his advantage, jumps after him... and gets nailed with a fearsome Dodonpa!!

 But Goku isn't out for the count yet!
 He launches at Ten, then disappears from view!!
 But Ten uses his three eyes...
 ...and catches our hero, exploiting his own tactic!!
 "Did you think such childish tricks would work on me?!"
 Tenshinhan smashes Goku against the ring wall,
 and begins to hammer blows against him...!!
 Like a machine gun...!!!
Can Goku prevail against a foe like this?!

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