Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bonus Content! Round II

As you know, sometimes I take more screencaps than I need for a review. After awhile they begin to collect a fair amount of dust and I need to share them with you, the reader.

Goku holds his leg after kicking Battle Jacket Black's missile.
Originally from episode 68.

Bulma disapproves of Yamcha's shenanigans.
Originally from episode 69.

Bulma is not happy with Kuririn showing her boobs to Roshi.
Originally from episode 71.

When Akkuman explains immorality, the camera pans to Roshi.
Originally from episode 74.

Goku trollin'.
The Kamehameha surf board.
and Kuririn and Yamcha hanging out.
Originally from episode 82.

Ape with a gun.
Originally from episode 83.

Yamcha and Puar on an airplane.
Puar drinks a soda and wonders where Muten Roshi is...
Originally from episode 84.

Jackie doesn't take Manwolf seriously.
Originally from episode 89.

Lunch is really into Goku and Kuririn's match.
Originally from episode 96.

Goku does an offensive impression.
 Goku rushes at Tenshinhan.
Goku during the final battle against Tenshinhan.
Mr. A combs his hair while announcing the fight.
Lunch takes out her fangirlism on Oolong.
Originally from episode 100.

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