Sunday, January 15, 2012

In Defense of Nappa

Look around the internet for Nappa fanart. Or Nappa fanfiction. You're not likely to find much, and most of which you find is certain to be directed at the non-canonically Team Four Star version of the character. Who is Nappa? It sounds like a rhetorical question on a Dragon Ball blog; Obviously he's one of the four surviving Saiyans in the original manga, partner to Vegeta and Raditz. But that's not what I meant. Very little is known about Nappa, comparative to the other four Saiyans. Goku and Vegeta we understand and can infer many things about, due to their roles in the series. Raditz too is lent some credence above Nappa from nepotism. (Goku and Bardock nepotism, naturally.)

You could define Nappa, as they do over at Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, in the following ways: "Nappa has quite a destructive personality and loves demolition to an extreme level.", "Nappa also has a very cocky personality, as he enjoys toying with his opponents.", and "He tends to fight first and makes use of his brawn more so than his brain." Take some key words from those sentences. Destructive, cocky, brawn. This suggests a fairly one-dimensional character; Nappa, a Saiyan who loves to fight and win. But that doesn't sit right with me. It sounds too familiar.

What if I were to say that I feel Nappa is ultimately the most misunderstood character in the Dragon Ball franchise? You might think I'm being hyperbolic, but if you stick with me I think I can convince you otherwise. Even more, I'd like to make an argument that Nappa was the obvious choice to become the new ally to Goku and friends from the Saiyan Saga, as opposed to the nihilistic Vegeta.

Nappa is a Saiyan in every sense. He's powerful, competitive, and not too brainy. Of their duo, Vegeta takes charge of their strategies, leaving Nappa free to focus on fighting exclusively. Would their strategies be different if you took Vegeta out of the picture? It's almost a fact they would be. Take this exchange between the two Saiyans from Dragon Ball Z episode 5;

Vegeta: They mentioned something... interesting, didn't they? 'Dragon balls'... or something.
Nappa: Yeah. It sounds like they can grant any wish.
Vegeta: All right then. Let's go.
Nappa: We're going to bring Raditz back to life, right?
Vegeta: Don't make jokes! We don't need that good-for-nothing any more! We won't ever grow any older, but instead have eternal youth. How does that sound? If that were so, we could enjoy fighting forever!
Nappa: I get you. That would be great!

Nappa's initial instinct with his one wish would be to bring back his fallen comrade. Vegeta is the one who brushes off the idea as a joke, and talks Nappa into his own scheme by  "we could enjoy fighting forever". Nappa, on his own, values fighting as much as the next Saiyan, but he's clearly loyal to his comrades, in a way Vegeta is demonstrably not. Let's have another look, this time from Dragon Ball Z episode 23;

Vegeta destroys the Saibaiman that was defeated by Tenshinhan.
Nappa: V-Vegeta, how could you do that? (commercial break) W-Why?
Vegeta: Anything more would be a waste of time. He couldn't win. That Saibaiman took him too lightly when he attacked. I told him to go at it with everything he's got.
The Earthlings are in awe of Vegeta's power, some discussion happens.
Nappa: (Talking to the Saibaimen) You guys, go all-out from the start this time!

Nappa is not only horrified by how Vegeta disposes of their ally, but takes it upon himself to coach the remaining Saibaimen, in an obvious effort to keep them alive. Vegeta has a complete disregard for the Saibaimen's, as much as Raditz's life. And lest we forget who eventually turned against Nappa.

Of course Nappa is no saint. He manages to, in the short amount of time he's in the story, inadvertently kill Chaozu, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo, and makes several solid attempts at killing Kuririn, Gohan, and Goku. But it is interesting how he never manages to kill who he's aiming for. This is a lot to do with luck and strategy and timing on our heroes' behalves, but some of it is to do with Nappa's own goals. He wants to fight, and he wants to enjoy it. And unlike Vegeta, he isn't compelled to step over or sacrifice his allies to do so.

Nappa is a Saiyan, and Saiyans are born with an incredible fighting instinct. Even Goku often puts everyone in danger because he can't help but be excited by a stronger opponent to challenge him. In that sense, Nappa and Goku are hardly different. Neither are particularly brainy, nor particularly malicious. In the society which Nappa grew up in, lower class warriors were already considered less-than-Saiyan, being little better than animals. So to an Elite Saiyan, the Earthlings can hardly seem like little more than animals. As far as Nappa might be concerned, exterminating the Earth is the same as any human hunter during deer season. He likes doing it, and the deer/Earthlings don't have as much "humanity" as him anyway.

Goku grew up in very different surroundings, by his own very good luck. Were Nappa to have been raised by Son Gohan and Muten Roshi, would he have been much different than Goku? I don't believe so. Unlike Vegeta, who seems to have manipulation etched into his very core (demonstrated by his actions throughout the series up until his sacrifice against Majin Buu), Nappa is merely along for the ride. Even as a hero, it takes Vegeta a long time to become a team player and behave altruistically. Nappa is primed for altruism almost from the moment we're introduced to him! "We're going to bring Raditz back to life, right?"

Son Goku is no stranger to having friends who once wished him harm. Bulma manipulated him into becoming her bodyguard so she could steal his Dragon Ball, Yamcha and Puar tried to rob and maim him, Kuririn tried to cheat him out of Muten Roshi's favor multiple times, Tenshinhan and Chaozu aimed to kill him under the orders of their teacher Tsuru Sen'nin, and Piccolo planned to kill him as revenge for his father Piccolo Daimao. All and all, that's a strange list of folks to call your best friends. Yet Goku does, and it's one of the best parts of Dragon Ball. Friendship and redemption.

Through a very long character arc spanning almost the entirety of DBZ, Vegeta makes this transformation from murderous rogue into Goku's close friend. But if we're looking at the Saiyan Saga, and Dragon Ball before it, and nothing that comes after it, Nappa seems infinitely more redeemable. Vegeta is cruel, manipulative, sociopathic, and self serving. Whereas Nappa, like Tenshinhan before him, is simply in the fight because it's where his destiny has lead him. Unlike Ten, Nappa doesn't get to fight Muten Roshi and learn that fighting without malice can be more rewarding than with it. Instead he is betrayed by the last ally he has, Vegeta.

Akira Toriyama is quoted with the following statement about Vegeta in Daizenshuu 2; "With Vegeta, well, I don't like him all that much, but he was extremely helpful to have around." (Translation via Kanzentai) It's no secret that fans love Vegeta, and Toriyama often kept characters around because of their popularity. He might have out-and-out confirmed this, but I speculate that Akira Toriyama kept Vegeta in the story purely based on fan response to him. (This isn't unreasonable. Why else would he keep a character around he didn't like? Of course, I could be woefully mistaken.) But had things gone differently with Vegeta's fate, Nappa's might have still stayed the same. Indeed, it's almost certain that Toriyama killed off Nappa without batting an eyelash. But what if he didn't?

In an alternate reality, I like to imagine that Nappa survived Vegeta's betrayal, and returned to the battle field after Vegeta was hit with the Genki Dama to lend them a hand in defeating him. Essentially, usurping the role of Oozaru Gohan, or at least drawing that section out slightly. Once Vegeta had left, I think Nappa would fall to his knees and beg forgiveness of Goku, Kuririn, Gohan, and Yajirobe, having seen the error of his ways through Vegeta's actions against him. From then on, I'd like to imagine he would attach himself to Goku as he was once attached to Vegeta.

The Uncle Nappa theory is my own pet bit of "head canon", where Nappa was allowed to live and join the ranks of the Z-Senshi, through Goku. I see him growing into a fun loving soul, like Goku, but often more loyal to spending time with his new-found Earthling friends than Goku himself, as his own private redemption for his decades of service under Freeza. I see him fighting on Namek along with Goku, having taken the Capsule Corp. ship into space with him. I see him being wished back to Earth with the others, and living with Gohan and Chichi while they wait for Goku to return from space. He would fight against Vegeta when the latter would allow Cell to attain his Perfect Form, and would stand up to him with Trunks after he defeats Vegeta. 

And I hope that, given my argument for the redeeming qualities of Nappa, you too will join me in lamenting this potentially great character. 

Rest in peace, soldier.


  1. This is a very interesting analysis of Nappa. I too thought it was interesting how he wanted to bring back Raditz.

    Also wanted to say hi, I've read a few of your synopses and I'm quite impressed.

  2. Heya UnderwolfYamcha! I've seen you around on tumblr! Thanks for the kind words. :3

  3. This is interesting, but I still find Vegeta a more interesting character and the better choice to keep around. I don't think either are redeemable considering their crimes but that's not to say they both wouldn't be better by the end.

    Tenshinhan isn't on the same level as Nappa. As far as we know, he never killed anyone prior to the 22nd Tenkaichi Tournament.

    It's certainly an interesting what-if, though I don't think Nappa and Goku would've had near the rivalry as Goku and Vegeta had.

  4. @Rob
    I don't see it as being a rivalry at all, but a deep friendship. They're a lot alike, Goku and Nappa, but separated by circumstance.

    And I'm not completely arguing that Vegeta SHOULDN'T remain in the series. But if you look at Nappa and Vegeta, in just the Saiyan Saga, Nappa is the more obvious choice given the pattern of redeemed characters in the series.

    Also, Tenshinhan's plan was to succeed Tao Pai Pai, so the chance is high that he's a murderer. Though that's speculation, and he may not have. But he was prepared for it, at any rate.

  5. This is merely speculative but given Tenshinhan seemed all talk, it's likely he never took a single life. It seemed like puffery to me.

    I would definitely say Goku and Vegeta had a huge rivalry. Goku and Vegeta were a big reason both men were constantly training to better themselves physically. I agree that Nappa may seem like he's more redeemable, but neither men can be redeemed, if you want to get philosophical. I'd rather go with the more interesting character who to me was Vegeta.

  6. How was Tenshinhan all talk though? Of all the fighters, he was quite noticeably the most serious about his life. His techniques are still the best ones in the whole series by a wide margin even if he's not an oh-so-amazing Super Saiya-jin and was left by the wayside. He was also the most dedicated to his own training, so I just can't follow your logic here.

    1. He was all talk in the sense that he claimed to want to be an assassin like Tao Pai Pai. I didn't mean it in the way you think. I wasn't implying that he wasn't a great fighter, just that he wasn't as dedicated to becoming a killer as he said he was.

    2. He wasn't as dedicated because Muten Roshi schooled him, and Goku showed him a new way to be a martial artist. Tenshinhan would have, without a doubt, carried on the Tsuru School traditions of murder and corruption had it not been for Roshi's intervention, and Goku superior skill (though very poor luck).

    3. I'm not so sure about that. One talk doesn't seem nearly enough to get someone to change their mind, and Chaozu doesn't seem that dedicated either. I think he would hurt people but when it came to killing them, he wouldn't go through with it. The idea I got from Muten Roshi is that he was getting at something that was already in Tenshinhan, and not an idea he put in his head.

  7. This is a great article, can't wait to read some more. Raditz would've also been the more logical choise, but I think maybe Toriyama wanted his audience to be "in awe" of Goku's kindness when Goku spared the most evil of the three. >_>

  8. Fantastic article, i heard about it while on i didn't realize there was a whole culture of deeper writings on dragon ball. I believe raditz has a plae on this list as well of charecters with potential to lament the loss of (seriously, they forgive and redeem all the people who were going to kill goku but raditz gets left as nothing but a standing joke of how weak he was compared to nappa)
    the only think I'd like to point out is that goku only seems to kill animals in self defense or for food so the deer season analogy still dosen't fit to make him similar to goku but amazing article non-the-less

  9. @ the haad
    "the only think I'd like to point out is that goku only seems to kill animals in self defense or for food so the deer season analogy still dosen't fit to make him similar to goku but amazing article non-the-less"

    You raise a really good point. Goku never appears to hunt for the sport of it. But I still imagine Goku and Nappa are more similar than, say, Goku and Tenshinhan (as an example, but any of his rivals work, really). Their love of fighting for fighting's sake.

    Though I will say, Nappa is a much sorer loser than Goku. But again, I'd attribute this to his nurture rather than his nature.

    But that's a whole different philosophical argument!

  10. Fantastic character analysis and spot on. Nappa was never the evil man. He was just a well trained soldier who enjoyed competing against strong opponents. Vegeta was vindictive, petty, and malicious. Having said that, vegeta was my favorite character. But I would have been TOTALLY down for nappa surviving, with or in place of vegeta.

    You know, now that goku and vegeta are strong enough to kill their entire race 5 billion times over, I always wondered why they didn't wish the race and planet back. Saiyan's aren't inherently evil, they were under a psychotic, despotic, warlord. Goku and Vegeta, each powerful enough to keep the whole race in check, never made sense to me not having the urge to NOT be the last of your dying species.
